




我跟隨我的佛陀上師三世多杰羌佛雲高益西諾布頂聖如來,由於隨時在身邊,就經歷了很多偉大佛法的真實事跡。這裡我講一個真正的金剛丸給大家聽。真正的金剛丸在唸金剛聖咒和結手印的情況下, 它會跳動,甚至於虹化飛空。我也曾經聽過金剛丸跳舞、念咒和見到別人聽過金剛丸唱歌。我發誓我以上所講的和所經歷的事是真實不虛的,如果不是真的,我願承受地獄的果報。

在我首次經歷金剛丸因緣之前,有一些不可思議的神奇事發生。 那是在2003年4月,當天我從舊金山到洛杉磯拜見雲高益西諾布時, 突然見到天空出現五彩長虹,此長虹完全圍繞著太陽,空中也有梵文字出現,當長虹慢慢褪去時,我才能將照相機聚焦於太陽下而拍下在此下方的半圈光芒的照片,長虹中央出現了莊嚴的佛陀──多杰羌佛,佛陀變化成身著紅袍的雲高益西諾布的法像,端坐在光環中央,殊勝無比,這境像顯現在空中長達幾個小時。


有一次,一位來自澳洲非常有德的弟子,由於我請示雲高益西諾布頂聖如來一個佛法上關於神秘力量的問題,頂聖如來說:你的金剛丸拿來加持這位居士吧。我拿出金剛丸,這位大居士親自將金剛丸放在一個小杯裡,為了防止金剛丸跑掉,即用一張紙將它封起來,這位 居士將小杯放在他的耳邊,走到距離頂聖如來雲高益西諾布15-20英呎的地方,我們幾個坐在雲高益西諾布頂聖如來身邊的地上,大家開始誦咒修法。很快的,金剛丸開始持咒及唱道歌,這位居士非常感動。很難相信一個小小的丸子真的會唱道歌,我自己親自聽到,我將那如米粒大小的金剛丸放在我的耳邊,但不是唱道歌,而是聽到它清楚地誦咒語的聲音。這真是不可思議。這世界至高密乘金剛部中,那金剛丸確實有凡品和聖品之分,我手中的金剛丸即是聖品的實證。這不由我想到,難怪三世多杰羌佛偉大恩師灌頂的現量大圓滿會當場見到法界境顯。

我今天真誠告訴大家我的親身經歷,我三世多杰羌佛雲高益西諾布頂聖如來恩師是至高無上的第一大佛陀。願所有眾生有福報聽聞及 修學真正的佛法,並早日得成就。

佛弟子 扎西卓瑪

The True Holy Vajra Pill and My Buddha Master

I n Tibetan esoteric dharma, there are five types of precious pills. They are the Nectar Pill, the Long Life Pill, the Great Precious Pill, the Vajra Pill and the Supreme Precious Pill. Actually, these five types of pills are made from nectar bestowed by different Buddhas. There are also red pills and black pills made with Chinese herbs after the herbs are empowered through mantras, such as the red pills and white pills made by H.E. Tangtong Gyalpo. The Long Life Pill has the empowering effect of extending one's lifespan. The Great Precious Pill can further one's accomplishment in the dharma. The Vajra Pill can help dispel demons and increase longevity and good fortune. The Supreme Precious Pill can ensure accomplishment in the dharma. The five types of pills are crystallization of merit produced from the power of Buddha-dharma and the empowerment of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Basically, all great rinpoches have what they call precious pills. But most of them are of the ordinary type, not the holy precious type of pills. Holy precious pills and ordinary ones are two totally different concepts. I personally saw Nectar Pills made from nectar bestowed by Buddhas. I also personally saw true Vajra Pills and heard them chant mantras.
Certain famous rinpoches and dharma kings from the highest temples in Tibet have said that the Buddha-dharma that can enable a vajra pill to fly has not been seen in this world in three hundred years. This is a fact. There was a crazy yogi named Be Wa Ba who could manifest such power hundreds of years ago, but according to these respected rinpoches and dharma kings who have had contact with all of the well known dharma kings of recent times, this dharma had disappeared from this world.
I follow my Buddha Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata, and am constantly by His Holiness's side. Therefore, I have experienced many magnificent and real manifestations of Buddha-dharma. Now I will tell everyone about my experience of the true Vajra Pill. When the holy vajra mantra and mudra are practiced, the Vajra Pill will jump and even transform into rainbow light and soar into the sky. I have also heard the Vajra Pill dance and chant mantras. I watched other people listen to the Vajra Pill sing songs.
I vow that the events reported here are true and happened as reported. If not, I am willing to bear the karmic retribution of the hell realms.
Amazing supernatural events preceded my first experience with the karmic affinity of the Vajra Pill. This happened in April, 2003. I traveled from San Francisco to Los Angeles to see H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu. During the trip I suddenly saw a colorful and large rainbow light appear in the sky. The rainbow completely surrounded the sun. There were also Sanskrit symbols in the sky. Just as the rainbow was fading from sight, I was able to take a picture of the bottom half of this light by focusing the camera below the sun. A dignified Buddha–Dorje Chang Buddha–appeared in the middle of the rainbow. This Buddha became my Buddha master, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, who was wearing a red robe and was sitting in the middle of the rainbow. The scene was awesome and extremely wonderful. The rainbow light appeared in the sky for several hours.
When I arrived, I was fortunate to immediately see my Buddha Master. A great lama obtained three true Vajra Pills and had respectfully given them to H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata as an offering. The Buddha Master bestowed me with two of them. Unexpectedly the Vajra Pills in my hand started to jump. At that time the Vajra Pills jumped in my hand just as if they were alive. They not only jumped but one of them started to circle around and left my hand. It transformed into a dazzling bright red light and soared into the sky. At that time, I saw that the Buddha Master, who sat far away on the dais, had become a blue Buddha Vajradhara. The blue light was shining bright. The scene was very dignified. I was greatly astonished. This is when I first saw the true Vajra Pill and the true identity of my Buddha Master.
There was a very virtuous disciple who came from Australia. Because of a question I had asked H.H.Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata about a dharma matter concerning mysterious power, the Holiest Tathagata said to me, "Bring your Vajra Pill to empower this disciple." I took out the Vajra Pill. In order to prevent the Vajra Pill from escaping, this great layperson personally put the Vajra Pill in a small cup and sealed the cup with a piece of paper. The disciple put the cup to his ear and moved 15-20 feet away from the Holiest Tathagata. Several of us were sitting on the floor around H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. Then everyone started to chant mantras and practice dharma. Soon the Vajra Pill began to chant and sing Buddhist songs. This layperson was very moved. It is hard to believe that a tiny pill can actually sing Buddhist songs, but I have heard this myself. Actually, I did not hear Buddhist songs, but clearly heard the chanting of holy mantras. The sound came from this tiny BB sized pill that I personally held to my ear. It is truly unbelievable. In this world within the supreme Vajra Division of Esoteric Buddhism the Vajra Pill truly can be categorized into ordinary types and holy types. The Vajra Pill in my hand was living proof of the holy type.
Today I sincerely tell everyone my personal experience. My Buddha Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the supreme and highest Buddha. May all living beings have the good fortune to hear, learn, and practice the true Buddha-dharma and quickly attain enlightenment.
I, Buddhist disciple Zhaxi Zhuoma, sincerely vow and clearly write down these events to prove the existence of the true Buddha-dharma in the world today


南無 第三世多杰羌佛




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