世界佛教教皇 – 南無第三世多杰羌佛

世界佛教教皇 - 南無第三世多杰羌佛圖:世界佛教教皇南無第三世多杰羌佛(世界佛教正心會提供)
世界佛教教皇   南無第三世多杰羌佛

世界佛教教皇 南無第三世多杰羌佛




世界佛教教皇 - 南無第三世多杰羌佛(台灣時報)

在今年九月二十三日,世界和平獎頒獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會,作出了最終的聯合決議,確定南無第三世多杰羌佛退回冊封令和教皇權杖的做法是無效的,於是在九月二十四日,世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會主席Suzi Leggett女士來到世界佛教總部所屬的聖蹟寺,作出終極宣布:「幾十年來,本會給雷根總統、印度聖雄甘地、拉賓總理以及很多國家的總統、總理頒授了世界和平獎,從沒有退回的先例,凡是本會做出的決定並已經實施了的,是十分嚴肅認真的決定,絕不予以更改。 南無第三世多杰羌佛教皇退回佛教教皇的冊封令和教皇權杖是無效的,世界佛教教皇只能屬於南無第三世多杰羌佛,任何人無權代替得了!」Leggett主席將被南無羌佛退回的冊封令和教皇權杖,再次請世界佛教總部代為接收。








  1. The Pope of Buddhism His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III- ASIAN JOURNAL
  2. 世界佛教教皇 南無第三世多杰羌佛-民時新聞
  3. 世界和平獎頒獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會聯合決議:南無第三世多杰羌佛退回世界佛教教皇冊封令和教皇權杖是無效的-世界日報

1. The Pope of Buddhism His Holiness Dorje


The conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III originated in January 2018 when the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council passed the resolution to confer to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III the title of Pope of Buddhism, the highest leader of Buddhism in this world. However, His Holiness the Buddha refused to accept the conferment.

For the sake of propagating Buddha Dharma and benefitting living beings, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters took the liberty to accept the conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter. When the World Buddhism Association Headquarters respectfully presented the Pope of Buddhism Scepter and conferment decree to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, His Holiness the Buddha III said: "I see that on top of this Scepter is the seated Shakyamuni Buddha, we should be respectful to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha." His Holiness the Buddha then raised the Scepter above His head and made a symbolic closed palm gesture with one hand to express His respects. However, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III also expressed that He is just a humble cultivator and resolutely would not accept such a conferment. Hence, His Holiness the Buddha immediately returned the conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter to the two Councils.

On September 23, 2020, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council passed an ultimate joint resolution, determining that the return of the Pope of Buddhism Scepter and conferment decree by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was not effectible. On September 24, the joint Chair of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council Suzi Leggett made the ultimate announcement at the Holy Miracles Temple of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters: "Over the past several decades, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council has presented the World Peace Prize to presidents, spiritual leaders, and prime ministers of many nations, including President Ronald Reagan, Hon. Mahatma Gandhi, and H.E. Yitzhak Rabin. There has never been a precedence of an award being retracted or returned. All determinations made and implemented by our Councils are very solemn, serious, and absolutely cannot be changed. The return of the Pope of Buddhism Scepter and conferment decree by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is deemed not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else." Chair Leggett once again requested that the World Buddhism Association Headquarters accept and present to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III the Pope of Buddhism Scepter and conferment decree that His Holiness the Buddha previously returned.

Representing the World Buddhism Association Headquarters, Venerable Mozhi Rinpoche accepted the conferment decree and Pope of Buddhism Scepter. He said during his speech, "The World Buddhism Association Headquarters considers that the decision made by the two Councils is remarkably proper and sagacious.

"Ever since Namo Shakyamuni Buddha entered parinirvāṇa, there has not been a supreme leader who has the authority to guide all Buddhists the same way that the Buddha did. However, the authoritative position of the Pope of Buddhism certainly is not a role that a leader of a single Buddhist sect would have the attributes to fulfill; rather, the Pope must be a leader who has authority over the entirety of Buddhism, namely, a Buddha.

"Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III holds the perfect teachings of Buddhism and meets the criteria used by all Buddhist sects to recognize a Buddha. His inherent nature is in accord with that of a Buddha. His unsurpassed, complete, and perfect enlightenment is in accord with that of a Buddha. Just based on the accomplishment of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform, surpassing His own base weight standard by 59 levels, no one else can possibly reach such a record.

"The state of virtue of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is that of a Buddha. His Holiness the Buddha has perfect mastery of Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism, perfect accomplishments in the Five Vidyas, and so forth, all of which accord with the unsurpassed, complete, and perfect enlightenment of a Buddha.

"In more than 2,000 years, there has not been a Buddhist Holy Guru in this world who possesses the same Buddha level qualities. Just by the facts that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III vowed and carries out the vow to benefit living beings purely on a voluntary basis and does not accept any offerings throughout His entire life, and that He possesses perfect wisdom and unimpeded accomplishments, no other Holy Guru can be of comparison. Only Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III can take on this immensely noble, holy, and heavy responsibility of the Pope of Buddhism, to properly guide Buddhists onto the correct path of learning Buddhism.

"Therefore, on behalf of Buddhists, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters thanks the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council for having made the ultimate decision."

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is selfless and noble, and the first person in Buddhism to possess substantive holy realization power of a Buddha and perfectly flawless accomplishments at the pinnacle of the Five Vidyas. These are the qualities that no other eminent Buddhist monastic or virtuous person in this world has so perfectly attained. It is naturally a matter of course that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the veritable Pope of Buddhism.

2. 世界佛教教皇 南無第三世多杰羌佛-民時新聞

世界佛教教皇 - 南無第三世多杰羌佛(民時新聞)

3. 世界和平獎頒獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會聯合決議:南無第三世多杰羌佛退回世界佛教教皇冊封令和教皇權杖是無效的-世界日報



(The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together With Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council: The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable)







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